Saturday, February 17, 2018

Du Page Sheriff race

Below is a message I wrote on a site, you can agree or disagree, but at least research it and then decide.

Begin comment:
Unified government?

I see your bots are working just fine below.
The only thing I’ve seen from Mendeick is the respect he has garnered from the rank and file.  That is good, however he wants to be more cop than an Executive.

I can’t consciously vote that way given the importance of the position.  For the record my sister is CPD, and I live in unincorporated Du Page, so sheriffs are who helps protect my family and property with me.  I have not made a decision yet, but getting Mendrick’s flyer in the mail today and reading some articles on the candidates is leading me to not vote for him at the moment.

Thank you,

1 comment:

  1. Yes I see auto correct misspelled his name first time around and I didn’t catch it.

    James Mendrick for the record, his opponent in primary is Frank Bibbiano.
