Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today, May 26th, 2011...What's Happening? Hey Hey Hey!

Spent the morning going through the news of the day.  Jobless claims are up again?  There is a surprise.  Economists are already talking about a double-dip recession...Oops, did I just say that out loud?

It doesn't surprise me at all.  I am a recent M.A. graduate and have been home in Chicago for week 11 now.  After countless interviews and job ad searching I have put my resume back on the shelf.  There is no work for people in my field (Communication/Media).  The work has slowly dried up because advertising dollars are drying up.  Without advertising, media cannot function.  Without that funding, there can be no hiring. 

Even the corporate jobs, such as P.R., Marketing, or Advertising are not available.  I have few options in Chicago.  Maybe it's the city I am in, there could be more jobs available in other cities, and I have been looking at the West Coast cities, but even those jobs are limited.  I have applied for many over the past 3 months, but without a substantial wage, it is not possible to succeed.  My student loans are only in deferment until February of 2012.  At that point, my payments will be due, and a salary of no less than 35,000 is do-able.

The issue with the unemployment numbers do not just affect me personally.  They affect every American.  The more people that are out of work, the less the Government can expect in tax revenue.  As the dominoes fall, the Government begins to increase its debt, and will sooner or later fail itself.  "Too Big To Fail" was a term used to describe the banks and the bailouts that followed, but what happens when the Federal Government defaults?  The term, "Too Big To Fail" takes on a whole new meaning.

Switching topics, what is going on with the weather?  We are a little over 3 weeks until the first day of summer, and it is in the 40s today in Chicago, with a cold rain falling on the city.  I don't know what is happening with Mother Nature, but it cannot be good.  I have been quite sick the past week, and the weather is not helping me in the least.  I was never one for medication, but this one has forced me to change that personal choice.

The future of my life beyond the job hunt, or lack thereof, might be for me to head back to school for a 2nd M.A.  I am thinking History, but might also consider Poli-Sci.  I figured if the economy is still horrible, and I cannot find a job, then I might as well defer my loans for as long as possible while I wait for my Government to get their shit together.  It is becoming increasingly disappointing to see the days drag together like an endless nightmare.  I stand here at the crossroads again.

I have taken a business call, but for future reference...Angels and Kings on Michigan, shooting Superbig acoustic set with Tim Bauer on May 24th, 2011.  Met Jimmy, Frank, Patrick, and John of Superbig, along with the band A Friend Called Fire.  Working on OTM website for possible projects working for myself.

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