Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hipsters and Festivals in Chicago...yeah so far they suck

My former business partner Tim called me to do another shoot of some bands at some hipster festival on Sunday. The first shoot we did a few weeks ago I got paid for, and I was hoping to get paid for this one also, but during the drive there I realized that was just a dream of mine. When we arrived Tim pulled his usual disappearing act and expecting me to handle the camera work. At the other shoot I did that, but this one, knowing I wasn't get paid for, fuck that...

Needless to say, the day ended badly. I ended up wasting my day, so I decided to get drunk. Tim didn't like being around me, and he just doesn't understand how my brain works. I need creative control, but also expect to be paid for my time. I am not a lackey. I just don't work well under those conditions. He pulled one more disappearing act, so I just said, fuck all, and became the most obnoxious person I possibly could. It might not have been the best decision, but those who know me well, know that I just cut the strings entirely when I am pissed off.

The crowd was filled with hipsters, and Tim later said some of them didn't like my attitude and supposedly wanted to kick my ass. At this point, I asked, why didn't they? I would have loved a good brawl. I really don't like hipsters. If you don't conform to their non-conformist ways, then you supposedly are everything against what they stand for. I have a problem with a sub-group trying to stand apart from the mainstream, but having rules of sub-group conformity. I am a punk, not a hipster. I create chaos in any forum, I like it. I stand apart from all groups. There have been few people in my life that were able to handle me and my antics.

I sit here and watch Bio-Dome and realize I come from a time long gone. A time when a rock-star could be on his deathbed, but be loved and adored. A non-conformist meant non-conformity. Grunge was cool, and there wasn't a style that you had to conform too to be able to intermingle in the group. The festival was jammed, and I guess this shows me that I am so far removed from that group of people. Maybe I am just that old guy that doesn't get it, but in my mind I am still that Bluto from Animal House, still looking for my Delta house brothers in life. I have found a few, and Roselle was a good time period filled with a bunch of these types of people. I guess they are mostly dead, and I should be too.

I am not dead though am I? So here I stand surrounded by a bunch of imbeciles and it makes me yearn for my past, but at the same time hoping to find a future crowd to accept me for me, and not me for what they want me to be. I didn't realize Tim had become a hipster. He used to be a metal-head, and I think he has chosen his current course because of the band he is in and the people he is choosing to associate with. I may not have much, and sometimes I do drink too much, but don't judge me. I wasn't causing anybody any pain or harm on Sunday. To top it all off, I was invited to do a job and then stiffed for my pay. If a foreman called me up to build a house, and then didn't pay me, I would burn that fucker to the ground!!!

My life has been a 36 year old tornado, and I have wreaked havoc across this great nation. I take responsibility for my actions most of the time, I just wish those that judge me would take responsibility for their actions. That, of course, will never happen. I am heading out of this Chi-ty again, I just can't handle it any longer. I see a lot of talent, but I also see a lot of misdirected energy. In ten years, these people will have their kids, and broken dreams. They will be standing in a puddle of their own piss, surrounded by the chaos they created, yet they won't know how to deal with it. The funny thing is, they might remember me and hope that I am worse off than they are, because maybe it will make them feel better about themselves.

Anyone that was there on Sunday expecting a free-hand out, well Tim seems to love doing shit for free for you ungrateful him, and don't worry about me, I will pull-through...As a matter of fact, I am starting now, with a new book and some awesome ideas of re-creating the future path of greatness...I really dislike Hipsters!


  1. It blows my mind that those were only 2 - 4 years around Roselle. I have been out west for nearly 15. The Roselle crowd definitely was good family. Not all dead, some moved on to more conservative lifestyle and others fragmented across the country.

  2. yeah, I guess "mostly dead" could have different meanings...fragmenting could be a form of death, or at least death of the situation/lifestyle.
