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Cognitive Dissonance Theory
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Yesterday my left headphone quit working. This has happened quite a few times over the years due to my very active lifestyle. I am forced to buy a new pair of headphones every six months or so. They are inexpensive for ear buds, but I have invested in quality radio D.J. headphones in the past. Those also broke, and I will not subject my wallet to any further abuse.
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I use music as a way to block out the world. My mind is complex and deep. I try to interact minimally at most times outside of my house, classroom, or work. I am an extroverted introvert. Music is my therapy. I can write books, but prefer not to read. I can make movies and television shows, but prefer not to watch television. I cannot make music, although I have tried in the past. Mediocrity doesn’t suit me; therefore I gave up my rock star dreams over a decade ago. Other people’s music of all genres helps me to move through life at an even keel. It keeps me sane at times of insanity, and revs me up when I need a kick in the ass. This is why a broken headphone relates to C.D.T.
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I used my headphones minimally yesterday. I found myself disgusted with mono sound. I am a stereo kid. I justified my dissonance by forcing myself into an extroverted situation with my peers. I had very little money yesterday, which does not allow me to purchase a new set. The little money I did have bought me a couple of beers at the bar with a new peer and his acquaintances. This was another attempt to justify the dissonance I was feeling. As the beer flowed and the music blared, I forgot about the headphones. However, when the music stopped and the wallet was empty, the conversations at the table did not stop my headphone thoughts from returning. If you couple that with the fact I was at a new location in Honolulu, i.e. “Restroom Routes”, I had found myself returning to a state of dissonance. I said my farewells and trudged home with sounds of police sirens and homeless peoples’ conversations in my ears instead of music. This only increased my dissonance of the headphones issue. I am handwriting these blogs today because I have to wait for the mailman to drop off my paycheck from Chicago. Only then will I be able to free myself from this cognitive dissonance that I am currently surrounded by. “I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle” before it is too late… (Just a joke; The Police song comes to mind as I finish this blog).
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