Monday, March 14, 2011

Life, Liberty, and Cast Away Mar. 16th, 2009

This past week has been a hurricane.  A lot of things have happened that do not need to be discussed here.  However, the things I do want to write about pertains to me.  I came to Hawai'i for bigger and better things.  I started this journey last summer.  Some of you remember me talking about it, and some of my friends who don't suscribe definitely heard me talk about it.  Well I came out here with high hopes.  Actually, near the time of my original departure in December I almost didn't follow through.  Life got in the way.
On the life note, I am here and trying to make the most of it.  It is what it is, and I will be happy to state what I mean through a symbolic content analysis of Cast Away.
Tom Hanks is in love with Helen Hunt.  He has a job with Fed Ex, and wants to ask Helen to marry him.  He gets an emergency call from his job on Christmas and has to leave abruptly.  The flight crashes over the Pacific, and he is cast away on a deserted island.  He spends 5 years looking at Helen's photo thinking of her and over time trying to figure out how to get off the island.  He finds various things to do while biding his time, even suicidal thoughts enter his mind.  This only complicates things.  In the end though he finds himself a way to get home.  He arrives only to find his woman is married with kids.  The love is still there as you can see from Helen's thoughts of running away with Tom in the rain inside the Jeep Cherokee.  They have a passionate kiss that says love will overcome time and distance.  However, it cannot overcome life!
That is my point, love cannot overcome life.  Life will continue to happen regardless of how much love you have.  Life can even break love; thankfully not in my case; but it can happen.  Life is that exterior force that scientists term "Chance" in research.  It is there, and things happen.  The choices you make that side steps those chances is the important part.  Do you work through them?  Do you let them wash you away and everything you have built?  These are questions that philosophers can answer or argue over; not me.  I will just say that life does get in the way and I am going to continue to find ways to overcome those obstacles.  Why?  It is in my best interests.
Hawai'i was a bad choice on my part.  The financial hits I have taken this year were too much for me to handle.  I am working through them, but it is rough.  I do believe I wrote some blogs last year about this time.  It seems that my financial woes are very apparent in January and February.  I hope that changes soon, because if this is a pattern it is not going to be good over time.
So anyway, I am mentally stable, working hard on a ton of papers, research projects, and Communication Theories.  It is what it is.  I am just glad I have a woman that loves me and is willing to try and overcome the obstacles with me.  I cannot say for sure what new obstacles will be in the future, but today the obstacles we do have are being worked on.  Things are not perfect, nor have I ever believed they should be.  If that was the case, then what's the point of life?


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