Monday, March 14, 2011

My brain is a swimming pool Feb. 12th, 2009

I have two ends to my brain,
One is shallow,
While the other is deep,
I have been wading in the shallow end for quite some time,
But have recently been searching for answers in the deep end,
What I found is that it is hard to keep my head above water,
My mental sickness before was not enough to bring me below the top,
But the added physical strain as of late is pulling me under like weights,
Weights attached to my ankles,
Causing me to gasp for air and bob like an apple,
The world from under the surface is calm,
And I try and try to get back to the surface,
Each time taking another big breath,
But lately I have been just underwater,
It is comfortable here,
I have found that if I stay under long enough,
I get to visit old friends that no longer walk,
Old friends I have not shared a beer with in quite some time,
These friends give me enjoyment and make me not want to leave,
But I know I must return to the surface,
These friends can wait for my permanent arrival below the surface,
Whenever that day may be,
So I have to gather the energy to swim up again,
I am almost out of air,
My friends say, "Stay and have another drink."
But if I do I will miss out on all the wonderful things on top of the water,
Well I guess I had better go back to the shallow end,
The deep end is no place for a man who does not have the energy to swim,
I am sick mentally and physically,
It used to be emotionally also,
But that has since been solved,
Hence the reason for re-surfacing,
I like the view from the top better than the view from the bottom,
I say farewell to all those friends I haven't seen in a while,
They bid me farewell,
And in their eyes I can see that they wish to swim to the surface too,
But they have been underwater for too long and cannot come with me,
So I leave them behind,
Knowing I will return one day,
But there is someone I must return to now,
The surface is bright,
Taking another gasp of air,
I use up the remaining energy to reach the shallow end of my mind,
And there I firmly plant my feet on the bottom of the pool,
Looking over my shoulder at the deep causes me a bit of sorrow,
But turning back to the staircase out of the pool,
Gives me joy and happiness,
Back to life I say,
Back to life!

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