Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A very long day in paradise Oct. 29, 2009

I ended up playing pool and throwing darts with my roommate Alex last night.  We hit up Nashville's and then Kelley's.  It was a fun night but after a late breakfast I got home around 6 AM.  I was able to sleep for an hour and then had to go to work.  I spent the day trying to stay awake with coffee, energy drinks, and musubi.  I was supposed to meet the MA COM club today, but I got a phone call at work and the lady wanted to post an ad.  After this lady started crying on the phone and telling me all her problems like I was a therapist, I pushed her for the information I needed, and ran to the meeting.  I arrived at JJ Dolans to find the meeting over and everyone just chatting and studying for their various midterms.  I wanted to dump our Club's website; which I run; but they brought it up and it was voted down.  So I am stuck taking care of website that is useless, outdated, and sloppy written code.  Then I had to go to my Film Crit class.  I thought our professor wasn't going to show up, but no, she did, and I fell asleep in class like 6 times watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Birds.

Well, I finally made it home, going to enjoy a Leffe, and pass out.  I have my final midterm paper due tomorrow at 5 PM.  So I will be spending tomorrow writing.  Then I have build my presentation for Monday concerning my Qual. Research course.  I have to do a lot of stuff but I do have 3 days off.  So I should be okay.  well, that is my life at the moment, and I am tired, but feeling good.  I am feeling very good!


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