Monday, March 14, 2011

A boot heel in the back of the neck Mar. 11th, 2008

Yes, a boot heel in the back of the neck.  I received another letter from my past.  A letter that will inevitably hurt me financially.  I am fully aware of my past transgressions against the state, however I can only fix and manage a few things at a time.  To be constantly bombarded with financial woes over and over again for things that occurred over a decade ago is not going to last for very long.  As much as I want to say I have the strength and mindset to overcome such things, I have to tell the truth and say that is not the case anymore.  My fatigue for such matters is becoming quite extensive.  I need a break from life, but I have no vacation saved up in my spiritual bank.  I have gone bankrupt spiritually.  The financial bankruptcy occurred quite some time ago, and I am doing the right thing day in and day out, but my past seems to peek its head out of the closet more often than not.  I do not need to go into detail here since this is something that includes the secretary of state and Du Page County, but it is there nonetheless and sooner or later I will either be finished with everything or be dead!  Hopefully not the latter!!!

If anyone knows of a legitimate financial investor that wants to purchase my 5 inventions off of me, I will be willing to part with them for a reasonable price.  I am also going to say that I will break them up to numerous investors if need be.  They are sound ideas, but I have not had the time nor the money to further the ideas into the production stage.  I have only gone as far as planning and purpose of such ideas.  The patent office is too expensive for me to try and do a patent search, but like I said, I am willing to part with the ideas for an unspecified sum of money...If you know of any such person(s), please contact me.

Other than that, I have a great woman and that is the high point and the motivating factor in keeping me sane right now...

Love you girl!


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