Monday, March 14, 2011

This is why I do NOT like Corporations, Organizations, and Government! Jan. 12th, 2008

Let me start off by saying this is going to be a long blog, so if you have something to do today, do not start reading it yet!
The Back Story:
Everyone that really knows me; knows that I used to be a state employee of Illinois.  I worked for a community college in River Grove called Triton College.  I worked in the television studio doing playback, video shoots (cameraman), watched the editing process to try and learn, coordinated every scheduled program for an entire semester, and was very reliable.  The job didn't pay well, but when I started there it was convenient because I was also a student and a radio d.j. in the same department.  So I had put all my eggs in one basket, which normally is not a good idea, but in this situation is was for me!  I was making about 2 dollars more than minimum wage, but when dumbass Blagojevich raised the minimum wage, I got shafted.  I was given .25 more money an hour, which brought me to minimum wage level, and I couldn't get a raise from the college to increase my wages beyond minimum wage.  Now I worked there for almost 3 years and the only raise I received was from the raise in minimum wage.  Most people do not stay at a job longer than 6 months, 1 year at the most without getting a raise, but I loved the job and the people I worked with so it didn't bother me until I was no longer a d.j. or a student of the school.  So the only reason I made the long trip out to River Grove M-F was for the job itself.  It became quite a hassle to go to school at NEIU (pick classes around my work schedule, which was a BIG hassle) which I transfered to in 2007.  The wages would have been sufficient but the minimum wage increase is increasing costs overall.  It is costing manufactures more to produce, and it is costing them more to buy products to produce/manufacture, and the cost is being pushed onto the consumer in an economy where the housing market is falling, bankruptcy laws have changed to protect the creditors, and the U.S. Government refuses to fix the problem instead some economists blame Greenspan.  This is NOT an economy blog, so Heather I know you probably have something to say about these last few sentences, but I already know your opinion on this matter.  Back to my story.  So my pay was not cutting it anymore, which meant I had to resign...Now onto problem 2...
The pay I received at Triton was not taxed (Social Security) by Uncle Sam because I was a State Employee and I paid into a separate Retirement fund.  This is also a perk that made the job worthwhile because I didn't pay Social Security.  Instead my money was put into a system called SURS.  State University Retirement System, which provides service to all employees that are associated with the education system.  This could include but is not limited too, administrators, teachers, janitors, etc...Now I was able to save a really good amount of money which I was pretty proud of, but I didn't it make it to the 4 Year 9 Month term that would have made me fully vested.  So I lost out on the money Triton College had been matching me for 3 years.  Not a big deal since I still can cash in my money.  Now in October 2007 I contacted my financial provider to find out if I could make a withdrawal without resigning, and I could not do that, instead I would have to resign and then go through the long process of paperwork to withdraw my funds after my termination date had been set.  The Organization was TIAA-CREF that held my money.  I had a choice when I started my employment to go with Fidelity or TIAA-CREF, but I chose the latter (this will be a strong point in this argument later).
So I contacted TIAA-CREF before I even told my boss I was resigning.  They knew I was resigning before the Triton College knew, which is a strong point I am making here because I was on top of my game and I knew the things that I needed to do to get my money returned me as soon as possible.  So I submitted my resignation in October, I gave a 3 week notice so my boss could fill my position and I could do the Spring Semester 2008 scheduling.  Like I said, I really liked the job and did not mind doing work for the next guy.  I trained the new guy, and made sure Human Resources would process my paperwork with SURS so they could get their paperwork going and then onto TIAA-CREF.  You see, I had to go through SURS first, then TIAA-CREF.  My final date of employment was November 16th, 2007.  Human Resources could not forward that date until the last payroll check was posted, and the monthly board meeting was held to verify my termination date.  Now like I said, I did my homework.  The board meeting was November 20th (my birthday) and the 21st was the date Human Resources sent the info (The day before Thanksgiving).  So Triton College had did exactly what they supposed to do, exactly when they said they would, which still is the only high point in all this.
Now I was dealing with SURS.  I had to call them numerous times to make sure they were going to send me my final withdrawal forms.  They had to wait 28 days from my termination date to begin processing.  Even though my termination date was Nov. 16th, their date in their computer was Nov. 21st since that was the last payroll date on record.  I raised hell about that because it tacked on an extra 5 days to the process.  I had a copy of my resignation and bitched until finally the 5th customer service representative pushed through the paperwork.  I received the paperwork on December 19th.  I hurried that day to get it filled out, notarized, and then mailed it priority overnight back to Springfield, IL where SURS is located.  It was delivered on Friday December 21st.  I knew the following week was going to be a holiday week and therefore not much work will get done.  Well, they processed the paperwork, and after my numerous emails and phone calls, they cleared the paper and sent it to TIAA-CREF on December 28th.  Now onto to that situation...
TIAA-CREF received my forms on Dec. 28th, processed them and withdrew the funds and cut the check on Dec. 31st.  Which is great that the check was cut within 6 weeks of my termination.  My old boss told me that some people waited 3 to 4 months for their money.  The funny thing is they were able to tax my money with 20% withholding for the 2007 tax year.  IF they would have waited until Jan. 2nd, then I would not be penalized an additional 10% in penalties for early withdrawal until 2008 tax year, which would mean I wouldn't have to pay the extra 10% until 2009.  But since it was cut on the last day of 2007, I have to pay the penalty this year.  So I am out the 20% withholding, and will have to pay the 10% next month when I do my taxes.  So they mailed the check on Dec. 31st, 2007.  I called numerous times last week to make sure that the information was the same from various Customer Service Reps.  So last week I wait for the check to arrive so I can pay my rent and all my bills that I could not pay due to the fact I resigned from my job.  Everything was fine as long as that check arrived before Jan. 5th, 2008.  But it didn't come, so I called this past week on Tuesday and was told to give it a few more days, and if it still doesn't come then they could cancel the check and re-issue it, which we all know will just prolong my agony.  So I avoided doing that, and waited this week also...Finally Thursday came and still NO CHECK!  I called TIAA-CREF with my usual intimidating voice and attitude and this time I was given attitude back by a Customer Service Rep. named Brian.  I asked to speak to his supervisor, and he said, "I do not have a supervisor!"  I said everyone has a supervisor in any company, unless you own the company.  So I raised hell, he gave me his attitude, and then said he was going to get his supervisor and put me on hold.  5 seconds later, he hung up on me.  So I snapped, and called back and got a woman named Latanya, told her I wanted to talk to a supervisor and she told me their procedure is to fill out a form and have a supervisor contact me within 24-48 hours of my complaint.  So Brian lied to me, and didn't tell me this information.  After talking to Latanya for a few minutes, she found out that my check had been returned to TIAA-CREF on Monday, Jan. 7th, 2008.  YES!  They got the check back on Monday.  IF you refer to this paragraph at the beginning, you will see I contacted them on Tuesday the 8th, and yet nobody told me they had gotten the check back.  So we went through the tedious task of confirming my information and trying to figure out why the check was returned...Now let me say that Fidelity sent me their letter saying I had no funds with them, and I received that on Monday the 7th.  So TIAA-CREF's competitor was able to get me a letter, why is my money the only thing that never makes it through?  The bills get to me, why not the cash?  I think I have to go to a new paragraph here...
So Latanya sends an email to the processing department telling them the address was correct, and to have them re-mail the check to the same address, except overnight it and have a signature confirming it.  Latanya and I were talking late on Thursday evening because my mail lady doesn't come until 4:30 everyday which is why I have to wait all day, then when I finally do call TIAA, all their departments are closed, except customer service.  So Latanya says it should be processed on Friday (yesterday), but when I called last night, it still had not been processed which means it will not be until Monday at the earliest.  But when I called last night, I found out that the envelope was printed with Unable to Deliver, Unable to Forward, Return to Sender from the U.S. Postal Service.  This is confusing because I have received other stuff from TIAA here, Fidelity, Triton, SURS, etc.  This address works for all the stuff I do NOT need in the mail, but the thing I need most does not make it!  Now recently I have been receiving letters from other tenants in my building because the Mail Lady is not doing her job, so I am wondering where does the blame lie here?  So here I am in limbo, behind in my bills, having to pay late fees, paid Uncle Sam, still owe him another 10% and yet I still do not have this money of MINE! 
So I contacted the Post Office today, and now I have to wait for one of their supervisors to get back to me.  Latanya at TIAA calmed me down enough for me to not file a formal complaint about Brian or their screw ups.  But yesterday after finding out the email was not processed, well I filed the formal complaint.  So I am now being the squeaky wheel.  Why do these companies, organizations, people, Government always screw with ME?  I am the wrong guy to screw over, I like this shit, I love raising hell, I love screaming and getting angry, I love when my face gets all red from the anger and adrenaline that pumps through my body.  Why mess with me?  Yet it continues to happen, and I am usually not at fault, I dot all my 'I's' and all my 'T's', but yet I have to be the squeaky wheel.
So here I am on Saturday, January 12th wondering when or if I will receive my monies.  Actually I am expecting them to send me my Tax Form before I receive the money.  And that is supposedly being sent out on January 31st.  I would venture to bet that that will not be lost or returned.  Uncle Sam will get his money no matter what my situation is...It is all comical because everyone knows me and I seem to find myself in these situations more often than most other people.  I guess I just get a lot of bad breaks in life!  But like I said I am the guy who should get shit on more, because I am the guy with the broad shoulders who will live to see another day tomorrow as long as I fight for what I believe in...
Now I have to wait for the USPS to get back to me, and I will be calling TIAA later today around 4 PM my time to see if the check was re-sent, and I will call on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. until the check arrives in my hand.  I will make sure my Mail Lady is questioned thoroughly about this issue.  I will pay my landlord a hefty late fee, and I will bite my tongue when I feel saying, "Fuck You!"
So this is my issue, and I needed to write it out because there is too much information here to keep in my head.  I hope nobody who reads this is having any issues as bad!

Happy New Year all, and I hope everyone is doing well!


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